Apple store Tag's Archives
Apple Sells Over 3 Billion Apps
More In Apple, Mobile Phones News, Tech News
Tags: 3 Billion Apps, Apple applications, Apple iPhone, Apple store, Games on iPhone, iPhone applications, iPod touch, iTunes
Around 3 billion iPod touch and iPhone applications have been downloaded from the Apple Store, the latest figures from Apple say.
Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs stated, “In less than 18 months, three billion applications have been downloaded. This is quite unlike anything we’ve ever seen!”
“Apple Store is quite revolutionary, it offers iPhone and iPod touch users an unmatchable experience on other mobile devices, and this competition is unbeatable as of now.” Click here to read more …
Apple with over 100,000 Apps which Are All Freshly Available
Tags: Apple applications, Apple iPhone, Apple store, iPhone, iPhone applications, iPod touch systems
The new announcement from Apple has been quite the right thing to develop with the new creations of over 100,000 apps. This is quite a revolutionary movement coming through App Store that comes with greater applications in the world. There can be very satisfying customers about to be served through iPhone and iPod touch systems bringing incredible range of variations with about 20 categories of work coming through them. There are games, businesses, news, sports, health, reference as well as travel related applications that can be used Click here to read more …
The iPhone as web server
More In iPhone
Tags: Apple iPhone, Apple store, iPhone applications, iPod touch, Web server, Wireless connection
For many people, there are so many things. Yup, I am talking about the iPhone, but have you ever imagined that it’s becoming a web server too.
A Japanese networking company known as FreeBit has achieved this piece of trickery and this new iPhone application has been quite oddly named as ServerMan@iPhone.
With the help of this application, one can download or upload files via a standard browser or through the webDAV protocol. According to FreeBit, the iPod touch or iPhone would just appear like any available server computer on the web. Click here to read more …
After iPhone 3G what would be Apple’s next release?
Tags: Apple laptop, Apple store, iPhone 3G, iPod, Mac, Mac notebooks, MacBook Air
Now the iPhone 3G’s incredibly successful launch (perhaps the highest profile gadget launch in history) has become a far off thing. And now it’s time for Apple’s fan to return to their favorite pastime as to guess about Apple’s next product release.
Many ‘well-informed’ seem to believe that in late September there would be a new line of Mac and iPod products by Apple.
If you are considering buying a laptop, don’t buy yet. Click here to read more …