hp-wireless-miceHP has announced the release of eco friendly computer accessories. Amongst them, the most eye catching are mice designed especially for women using recycled plastic.

It is claimed that these computer mice are ‘sure to appeal to female tastes’. These are HP Wireless Optical Mouse Vivienne Tam Special Edition and HP Wireless Comfort Mouse – Women’s Special Edition.

The HP Wireless Optical Mouse Vivienne Tam Special Edition is featured with red shiny surface. Click here to read more …

Sony Ericsson W995

Sony Ericsson W995Sony Ericsson announced its latest cell phone W995, in World Mobile Congress at Barcelona, to strike the market. The cell phone is an impressive inclusion in the Walkman series. The date of its launch and price is not yet confirmed.

The highlighting feature of phone is its 8.1 Megapixels camera with 16x zoom and also has functions like auto-focusing. The LCD of W995 is 2.6 inch, which is large as compared to normal cell phones. It will be comprised of 8 GB M2 card and will be available in probably three colours like Progressive black, Silver and Energetic red. Click here to read more …

microsoft_logoWell, we were expecting that from the Software giant, as its arch-rival Apple doing quite awesome with its retail chain. So, this current announcement regarding plans to launch its retail stores is not surprising for most of us.

Definitely in these stores Microsoft will showcase the complete range of its different software as well as hardware products like PC games and its latest Xbox 360, its coming Windows 7 OS and a complete range of Zune and PC applications. Click here to read more …

garmin-asusGarmin-Asus announced another handset Windows Mobile 6.1-powered M20, following the release of G60, which is probable to come in the second half of 2009.

M20 is targeted to the users in business segment and e-mail checking would be really easy on this new handset.

The handset is designed to attract business users which features 2.8 inch touchscreen,HSDPA 3G,Wi-Fi and obviously a GPS chip aswell.It has 4GB/8GB onboard memory to store audio,video and other files. The handset has a camera of 3MP with geotagging. Click here to read more …

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