The exciting world of sports and sporting activities has always captured the imagination of one and all ever since the times of the Greek Olympians and the Roman gladiators. Obviously, like everything else, sports too, has undergone a metamorphosis with the passage of time. Earlier, one had to be present in the arena to witness the sporting events. Only the select few present in the arena could witness the events, while for most people the experience was more of a word of mouth nature, or by reading newspapers.
The invention of the radio brought about a revolutionary change in the world of sports. For the first time, a person sitting in a remote corner of the world could appreciate the enjoyment of a live sporting event because of enthralling commentary by experts. The world became more aware of the deliberations involved in sporting events, which changed the way the world looked at sports. The effect the radio could only be overwhelmed if the common man could actually have the radio experience with visuals. And thus began the era of televised sports.
The 1936 Berlin Olympics was the first sporting event which was televised worldwide. Television ushered in a sea change in the way sports broadcasting was done. The change was irreversible, and only more accessible technology could dethrone television as the one and only medium of sports broadcasting.
More accessible and user friendly technology came in the form of the World Wide Web. Using the internet, one can watch live sporting events as streaming content on sporting websites, access live scores at the click of a mouse button, get to know more information about the world of sports, sportspersons, and sporting stats. The internet has strengthened the bond between sports and technology, and has completely changed the way we watch sports.